We always overlook the vital role that our lungs play in keeping us healthy and alive. We don't realize there's a problem until we can't breathe. Our lungs, like the rest of our bodies, need constant treatment and care. Many that are afflicted by respiratory infections, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or even cardiac disease. Deep breathing will help you get closer to the lung's maximum capacity. Slowly inhaling causes the belly to stretch as the diaphragm is lowered. The floating ribs fold up like wings as the ribs are extended, allowing the upper chest to stretch and rise at the tip. Exhale fully by lowering your back, tightening your ribs, and bringing your abdominal muscles together. This will keep your lungs healthy and sage and will reduce the risk of lung cancer. One can get lung cancer treatment in Delhi if he/she suffering from it. When a smoker burns a cigarette, he inhales thousands of pollutants into his lungs, like carbon monoxide and tar. They c...